
Showing posts from April, 2017

Why Analytics Is Essential for Marketing Success

Studying the metrics of what you do is a very important part of having a successful business. Without looking at the numbers you really cannot know exactly why you experienced either success or failure. You can make assumptions, but when you don’t have to do that it’s better to use facts to ensure that your efforts aren’t a waste. * If You Can’t Measure It Doesn’t Exist – When you set goals, they should be something that can be expressed in numbers: clicks, page views, sign-ups, buys and so forth. You can even assign values to conversions so that Google Analytics tells you what a particular conversion is worth to you without you having to leave the system. * Help You Get to Know Your Visitors – You probably set up a certain idea of your audience before you even started your business. You created marketing materials based on your ideal audience and it’s worked. But, can it work better? If you dig deep into your audience’s demographics (especially the people who’ve converted), you